Sky Wood, Kent, SouthCoast LocationFinder

SouthCoast LocationFinder is delighted to offer this unique Barn that is a tranquil and peaceful contemporary home, featuring a double height window in the main open plan space overlooking a natural swimming pond, concrete floors throughout. The  views from the rest of the house are of  fields and the  surrounding woodland making it the ideal location for any production team who does not want to be overlooked.

From London

  • Approx  from London 66 miles
  • Approx 1 20 hour train from Kings Cross
  • Beneden is the nearest town and offers plenty of eateries and local pubs
  • Beneden has various B & B on offer 

A truly stunning modern barn that offers 400 sq.m of  contemporary living space. The barn but has a curve in the roof which is totally unique and unusual

The dark colour camouflages the building into the woody parts of the surrounding trees in winter, as well as creating a backdrop to the various green/grey and golden hues during summer through to autumn.

The barn features rooms of spectacular opulence with plenty of  natural light  flowing through.  Each space sweeps effortlessly into the next . The striking concrete flooring flow throughout the  communal area and open plan kitchen dining area. There is a floating staircase to take you up to the bedrooms.

There is a double height window in the main living space that overlooks the natural swimming pond. This location is not overlooked, and offers parking for up to 8 vehicles.


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SouthCoast LocationFinder